
OrganistChelsea Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBishop Kevin McCafferty
PresidingBishop Kevin McCafferty
Opening Hymn#6 “Redeemer of Israel”
InvocationBrother Ben Anderson
Ward and Stake business
Sacrament Hymn#188 “Thy Will, O Lord Be Done”
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerSister Sister Lizzie Allen
SpeakerSister Sister Jenna Allen
SpeakerSister Sister Andrea Allen
Intermediate Hymn#304 “Teach Me To Walk”
SpakerBrother Miles McCafferty
Closing Hymn#286 “Oh, What Songs Of The Heart”
BenedictionSister Trisha Dangerfield


  • Post-FSY Fireside, Sunday, Aug 25 at 6:30 pm at the stake center
  • Young mens activity Wednesday, Aug 28 at 7pm Kickball at the church pavilion
  • Stake Extravaganza, Saturday, Sept 7 from 12-3 pm at the church pavilion - food, outdoor games, face painting, family history, and more
  • President Nelson’s 100th birthday broadcast Monday, Sept 9 at 4pm
  • YSA Gathering Place Activity Monday, Sept 9 at 7 pm - Come for pizza & salad, an institute message, sports, and making new friends!
  • BYU-Idaho Education Fireside, Wednesday, Sept 11 at 7 pm at River Oaks Stake Center (8950 S 1300 W) for youth, their parents, youth leaders, and young single adults.