
OrganistChelsea Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBrother Tony Foster
PresidingBishop Kevin McCafferty
Opening Hymn#301 “I Am A Child Of God”
InvocationBro John Gardner
Ward and Stake business
Sacrament Hymn#193 “Again We Meet Around The Board”
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerSister Lindy Moes
Intermediate Hymn#1005 “HIs Eye Is On The Sparrow”
SpakerBrother Ian Moes
Closing Hymn#45 “Lead Me Into Life Eternal”
BenedictionSis Julie Gardner


  • Stake Youth Concert - Saturday, Aug 10 at 5 pm at the pavilion then at 6:45 at Mountain Shadows (8173 S 3200 W) for the concert
  • Neighborhood night out on Monday, Aug 12 at 6 pm on Autumn Oak. Get to know neighbors pot luck, all neighborhood invited
  • Primary Activity (ages 3-11) Aug 24 at 10am at the church
  • Post-FSY Fireside, Sunday Aug 25 at 6:30 pm at the stake center
  • Stake Extravaganza Saturday, Sept 7 from 12-3 pm at the church pavilion - food, outdoor games, face painting, family history, and more
  • President Nelson’s 100th birthday broadcast Monday Sept 9 at 4pm
  • YSA Gathering Place Activity Monday Sept 9 at 7pm Come for pizza & salad, an institute message, sports, and making new friends!