
OrganistChelsea Anderson Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBrother Tony Foster
PresidingBrother Tony Foster
Opening Hymn#255 “Carry On”
InvocationSis. Susan Glazier
Ward and Stake business
Sacrament Hymn#184 “Upon The Cross of Calvary”
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerBrother Corbin Reid
SpeakerBrother Colton Reid
Intermediate Hymn#34 “O Ye Mountains High”
SpakerSister DeDee Roberts
Closing Hymn#30 “Come Come Ye Saints” (All 4 verses)
BenedictionSis Roy Glazier


  • YM Activity - Planning meeting 7pm at the Church
  • Utah YSA Conference (Single Adults 18-35 yrs old) August 2-3
  • Oakcrest Girls Camp - Aug 5-9
  • Temple Cleanup volunteers needed - Aug 5-9 10pm, 5 Volunteers needed each night. Ask Pres Ben Duzette for info
  • Neighborhood night out on Aug 12 at 6pm on Autumn oak. Get to know neighbors pot luck, all neighborhood invited
  • Primary Activity (ages 3-11) Aug 24 at 10am at the church
  • Stake Extravaganza Sept 7 12-3 pm at the church outdoor pavilion Food, Outdoor games, face painting, and family history