
OrganistSis Chelsea Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBro. BJ Edman
Opening Hymn#264 Hark All Ye Nations
InvocationPres Angela Kirk
Sacrament Hymn#176 Tis Sweet to Sing The Matchless Love
SpeakerSis Lizzie Allen
SpeakerElder Cordova
Intermediate Hymn#60 Battle Hymn of the Republic
SpeakerElder Ribolla
Closing Hymn#133 Father In Heaven
BenedictionBro Josh Kirk


  • Youth Activities Wednesday, May 29 No activities because of WJ High School Graduation
  • Relief Society Activity Thursday, May 30 at 7:00 - Jody Moore How to feel better
  • Brighton Meadows Cleanup - Saturday, June 1 - Volunteers needed
  • Mothers playgroup - Monday June 3 at Marley Demanns home
  • Bristol Ridge Building Organists Recital - Sunday, June 2 at 5:00 PM
  • Young Single Adult Taco bar dinner - June 10 6-9pm 1380 W 6785 S
  • Stake Young Women’s Camp - Tuesday, June 11 - Friday, June 14 (Brighton Meadows)
  • Stake Young Men’s Camp - Thursday, June 27 - Saturday, June 29 (Near 9 Mile Canyon)