
OrganistSis Chelsea Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBro. BJ Edman
Opening Hymn#97 “Lead Kindly Light”
InvocationSis Belle Pina
Sacrament Hymn#193 “I Stand all Amazed”
Administration of the Sacrament
Sharing of Testimonies
Closing Hymn#157 “Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred our Souls”
BenedictionSis Renee Durrant


  • Stake Standards Night / Temple Fireside for Youth & Parents - Sun., May 5 at 6:30 at the stake center
  • Wednesday May 8th Stake Youth Fireside at 7pm at the stake center 
  • Ward Spring Activity - Sat., May 18th
  • 9-11am Service yard cleanup for widow meet on Taryns Lane  11:30am Lunch at church pavilion Sloppy Joes, chalk contest, and kickball tournament. 
  • Oakcrest Cleanup - Sat., May 18 at 9am - Volunteers needed
  • Seminary Graduation - Sun., May 19 @ 6:30
  • Stake Blood Drive - May 23 1-7pm at stake center. Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter our Sponsor Code: wjbingham
  • Brighton Meadows Cleanup - Sat., June 1 - Volunteers needed
  • 1300 W Construction update - Thursday May 16th at 5:00pm.  In the Mitchells driveway, 1385 W 8660 So.