
OrganistBro Chad Allen
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBishop Kevin McCafferty
Opening Hymn#144 “Secret Prayer”
InvocationBro. Mike Mitchell
Sacrament Hymn#170 “God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray”
Administration of the Sacrament
Sharing of Testimonies
Closing Hymn#130 “Be Thou Humble”
BenedictionSis Jane Mitchell


  • Youth Activity:
    • April 17th – Taylorsville Temple Open House @ 6:50pm. Meet at church at 5:45pm (combined)
    • April 24th – Empty Nester/Youth Dinner (combined)
  • Primary Activity – Saturday April 20 at 10-11:30am at the church
  • Relief Society activity April 27 at 7pm making Kintsugi bowls at the church
  • Stake Standards Night / Temple Fireside for Youth & Parents – May 5 at 6:30 at the stake center
  • Seminary Graduation – May 19 @ 6:30
  • Oakcrest Cleanup – May 18 at 9am – Volunteers needed
  • Brighton Meadows Cleanup – June 1st – Volunteers needed