Meeting ID: 920 2117 0176
Passcode: 977896


OrganistSis Darlene Fish
Music DirectorSis Dedee Roberts
ConductingBro Tony Foster
Opening Hymn#200 “Christ the lord is risen today”
InvocationSis. Darlene Fish
Sacrament Hymn#192 “He Died! The Great Redeemer Died”
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerBro. Robert Dangerfield
Musical NumberPrimary and Young Women
SpeakerBro. Aaron Woodbury
Closing Hymn#199 “He is Risen”
BenedictionBro Glen Fish


  • General Conference – April 6 and 7
  • Stake Young Mens and Women’s Talent Show – April 10 at stake center
  • Fast Sunday – April 14
  • Primary Activity – Saturday April 20 at 10-11:30am at the church
  • Relief Society activity April 27 at 7pm making Kintsugi bowls at the church
  • We are in charge of cleaning in April. The following families are asked to help April 6
    • DeMann (Lead)
    • Desmond
    • Larkin
    • Llamas
    • Glazier
    • Park
    • Kay Dahn
    • Crump