25 August 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistChelsea Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBishop Kevin McCafferty
PresidingBishop Kevin McCafferty
Opening Hymn#6 “Redeemer of Israel”
InvocationBrother Ben Anderson
Ward and Stake business
Sacrament Hymn#188 “Thy Will, O Lord Be Done”
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerSister Sister Lizzie Allen
SpeakerSister Sister Jenna Allen
SpeakerSister Sister Andrea Allen
Intermediate Hymn#304 “Teach Me To Walk”
SpakerBrother Miles McCafferty
Closing Hymn#286 “Oh, What Songs Of The Heart”
BenedictionSister Trisha Dangerfield


  • Post-FSY Fireside, Sunday, Aug 25 at 6:30 pm at the stake center
  • Young mens activity Wednesday, Aug 28 at 7pm Kickball at the church pavilion
  • Stake Extravaganza, Saturday, Sept 7 from 12-3 pm at the church pavilion - food, outdoor games, face painting, family history, and more
  • President Nelson’s 100th birthday broadcast Monday, Sept 9 at 4pm
  • YSA Gathering Place Activity Monday, Sept 9 at 7 pm - Come for pizza & salad, an institute message, sports, and making new friends!
  • BYU-Idaho Education Fireside, Wednesday, Sept 11 at 7 pm at River Oaks Stake Center (8950 S 1300 W) for youth, their parents, youth leaders, and young single adults.
August 25, 2024 · Ben Anderson

18 August 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistChelsea Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBishop Kevin McCafferty
PresidingBishop Kevin McCafferty
Opening Hymn#65 “Come All Ye Saints Who Dwell On Earth”
InvocationSister Andrea Allen
Ward and Stake business
Sacrament Hymn#187 “God Loved Us So He Sent His Son”
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerBrother Arthur Plaine
SpakerBrother Ben Matz
Closing Hymn#302 “I Know My Father Lives”
BenedictionPresident LaRisa Allen


  • Combined YM/YW activity, “How to read and conduct music” Wednesday Aug 21 at 7pm in the Relief Society Room
  • Primary Movie Activity (ages 3-11) Saturday, Aug 24 at 10 am at the church. Come dressed in Pajamas
  • Post-FSY Fireside, Sunday, Aug 25 at 6:30 pm at the stake center
  • Stake Extravaganza, Saturday, Sept 7 from 12-3 pm at the church pavilion - food, outdoor games, face painting, family history, and more
  • President Nelson’s 100th birthday broadcast Monday, Sept 9 at 4pm
  • YSA Gathering Place Activity Monday, Sept 9 at 7 pm - Come for pizza & salad, an institute message, sports, and making new friends!
  • BYU-Idaho Education Fireside, Wednesday, Sept 11 at 7 pm at River Oaks Stake Center (8950 S 1300 W) for youth, their parents, youth leaders, and young single adults.
August 18, 2024 · Ben Anderson

11 August 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistChelsea Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBrother Tony Foster
PresidingBishop Kevin McCafferty
Opening Hymn#301 “I Am A Child Of God”
InvocationBro John Gardner
Ward and Stake business
Sacrament Hymn#193 “Again We Meet Around The Board”
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerSister Lindy Moes
Intermediate Hymn#1005 “HIs Eye Is On The Sparrow”
SpakerBrother Ian Moes
Closing Hymn#45 “Lead Me Into Life Eternal”
BenedictionSis Julie Gardner


  • Stake Youth Concert - Saturday, Aug 10 at 5 pm at the pavilion then at 6:45 at Mountain Shadows (8173 S 3200 W) for the concert
  • Neighborhood night out on Monday, Aug 12 at 6 pm on Autumn Oak. Get to know neighbors pot luck, all neighborhood invited
  • Primary Activity (ages 3-11) Aug 24 at 10am at the church
  • Post-FSY Fireside, Sunday Aug 25 at 6:30 pm at the stake center
  • Stake Extravaganza Saturday, Sept 7 from 12-3 pm at the church pavilion - food, outdoor games, face painting, family history, and more
  • President Nelson’s 100th birthday broadcast Monday Sept 9 at 4pm
  • YSA Gathering Place Activity Monday Sept 9 at 7pm Come for pizza & salad, an institute message, sports, and making new friends!
August 11, 2024 · Ben Anderson

28 July 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistChelsea Anderson Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBrother Tony Foster
PresidingBrother Tony Foster
Opening Hymn#255 “Carry On”
InvocationSis. Susan Glazier
Ward and Stake business
Sacrament Hymn#184 “Upon The Cross of Calvary”
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerBrother Corbin Reid
SpeakerBrother Colton Reid
Intermediate Hymn#34 “O Ye Mountains High”
SpakerSister DeDee Roberts
Closing Hymn#30 “Come Come Ye Saints” (All 4 verses)
BenedictionSis Roy Glazier


  • YM Activity - Planning meeting 7pm at the Church
  • Utah YSA Conference (Single Adults 18-35 yrs old) August 2-3 utahysaconference.org
  • Oakcrest Girls Camp - Aug 5-9
  • Temple Cleanup volunteers needed - Aug 5-9 10pm, 5 Volunteers needed each night. Ask Pres Ben Duzette for info
  • Neighborhood night out on Aug 12 at 6pm on Autumn oak. Get to know neighbors pot luck, all neighborhood invited
  • Primary Activity (ages 3-11) Aug 24 at 10am at the church
  • Stake Extravaganza Sept 7 12-3 pm at the church outdoor pavilion Food, Outdoor games, face painting, and family history
July 28, 2024 · Ben Anderson

21 July 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistBro Chad Allen
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBishop McCafferty
Opening Hymn#36 They, The Builders of the Nation
InvocationBro Mike Garlick
Sacrament Hymn#1007 As Bread Is Broken
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerBrother Andy Tongish
SpeakerBro Steven Mathias
Closing Hymn#35 For The Strength Of The Hiils
BenedictionSis Renee Garlick


  • YM/YW Activity - TBA
  • Utah YSA Conference (Single Adults 18-35 yrs old) August 2-3 utahysaconference.org
  • Oakcrest Girls Camp - Aug 5-9
  • Temple Cleanup volunteers needed - Aug 5-9 10pm, 5 Volunteers needed each night
  • Primary Activity (ages 3-11) Aug 24 at 10am at the church
  • Stake Extravaganza Sept 7 12-3 pm at the church outdoor pavilion Food, Outdoor games, face painting, and family history
  • July building cleanup Assignments

July 27, 2024
Duzett family
Allen Family
Moore, Jolene
Pina, Belle
Tali family
Gardner family
Vibert family
Bevziuk Family

July 21, 2024 · Ben Anderson

14 July 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistBro Chad Allen
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBishop McCafferty
Opening Hymn#5 High on a Mountain Top
Sacrament Hymn#183 Rememerance of Thy Suffering
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerSis Alisa Bolivar
Intermediate Hymn#1003 It Is Well With My Soul
SpeakerBro Carlos Bolivar
Closing Hymn#33 Our Mountain Home So Dear


  • YM/YW Activity - TBA
  • July building cleanup Assignments

July 20, 2024
Kirk family
Carlile, Darylee
Hoenshell, David
Staples family
Swain family
Bolivar Family
Hodgson Family

July 27, 2024
Duzett family
Allen Family
Moore, Jolene
Pina, Belle
Tali family
Gardner family
Vibert family
Bevziuk Family

July 14, 2024 · Ben Anderson

30 June 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistBro Chad Allen
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBro. Tony Foster
Opening Hymn#117 Come unto Jesus
InvocationPres Ben Demann
Sacrament Hymn#182 We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus Name
Administration of the Sacrament
SpeakerSis Michelle Vibert
Intermediate Hymn#266 The Time is Far Spent
SpeakerBro Nathan Thomas
Closing Hymn#166 Abide with Me!
BenedictionSis Marley Demann


  • 4th of July Breakfast - 8:00 AM at the church pavilion. All are invited
  • July building cleanup Assignments

July 6, 2024
Hooper Family
Ward family
Gummow family
Peterson family
Christensen family
Zanger, Kristin
Davis family

July 13, 2024
Woodbury family
Huey family
Garlick family
Fish family
Ovenden family
Giordani, Teresa
Klundt family
Dangerfield Family
Miller Family

July 20, 2024
Kirk family
Carlile, Darylee
Hoenshell, David
Staples family
Swain family
Bolivar Family
Hodgson Family

July 27, 2024
Duzett family
Allen Family
Moore, Jolene
Pina, Belle
Tali family
Gardner family
Vibert family
Bevziuk Family

June 30, 2024 · Ben Anderson

09 June 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistSis Darlene Fish
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBro. Tony Foster
Opening Hymn#140 Did you think to pray
InvocationSis Alisa Bolivar
Sacrament Hymn#179 Again, Our Dear Redeeming Lord
SpeakerSis Lyndsie Haws
Intermediate Hymn#224 I Have Enough Work To Do
SpeakerBro Trevor Ringwood
Closing Hymn#125 How Gentle Gods Commands
BenedictionBro Carlos Bolivar


  • Mothers play group June 10, 10am at Chelsea Anderson home (1334 Taryns Ln)
  • Young Single Adult Taco bar dinner - Monday, June 10, 6-9pm at the church at 1380 W 6785 S
  • Stake Young Women’s Camp - Tuesday, June 11 - Friday, June 14 (Brighton Meadows)
  • Fathers and Sons Camp - Friday, June 14 - Saturday, June 15 at Brighton Meadows
  • Family History activity taught by Paul Staples June 20th
  • Stake General Priesthood Meeting - Sunday, June 23 at 4:00 PM at the stake center
  • Relief Society Salad Social Thu June 27th at 6:30 at the church
  • Stake Young Men’s Camp - Thursday, June 27 - Saturday, June 29 (Near 9 Mile Canyon)
  • 4th of July Breakfast - 8:00 AM at the church pavilion
June 9, 2024 · Ben Anderson

26 May 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistSis Chelsea Anderson
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
ConductingBro. BJ Edman
Opening Hymn#264 Hark All Ye Nations
InvocationPres Angela Kirk
Sacrament Hymn#176 Tis Sweet to Sing The Matchless Love
SpeakerSis Lizzie Allen
SpeakerElder Cordova
Intermediate Hymn#60 Battle Hymn of the Republic
SpeakerElder Ribolla
Closing Hymn#133 Father In Heaven
BenedictionBro Josh Kirk


  • Youth Activities Wednesday, May 29 No activities because of WJ High School Graduation
  • Relief Society Activity Thursday, May 30 at 7:00 - Jody Moore How to feel better
  • Brighton Meadows Cleanup - Saturday, June 1 - Volunteers needed
  • Mothers playgroup - Monday June 3 at Marley Demanns home
  • Bristol Ridge Building Organists Recital - Sunday, June 2 at 5:00 PM
  • Young Single Adult Taco bar dinner - June 10 6-9pm 1380 W 6785 S
  • Stake Young Women’s Camp - Tuesday, June 11 - Friday, June 14 (Brighton Meadows)
  • Stake Young Men’s Camp - Thursday, June 27 - Saturday, June 29 (Near 9 Mile Canyon)
May 26, 2024 · Ben Anderson

19 May 2024 - Sacrament Meeting



OrganistSis Chelsea Anderson
Music DirectorJolene Moore
ConductingBro. BJ Edman
Opening Hymn#240 Know This, That Every Soul Is Free
InvocationSis Kristin Zangar
Sacrament Hymn#175 O God, The Eternal Father
SpeakerBro Brent Cannon
SpeakerSis Jana Pierce
Closing Hymn#131 More Holiness Give Me
BenedictionSis Denise Miller


  • Seminary Graduation - Sunday, May 19 at 6:30
  • Youth Activities Wednesday, May 22 
    • Young Mens  - Hiking (meet at church at 6:30)
    • Young Womens at Church - Camp Prep
  • Stake Blood Drive - May 23 1-7pm at stake center Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter our Sponsor Code: wjbingham
  • Relief Society Activity Thursday, May 30 at 7:00 - Jody Moore How to feel better
  • Brighton Meadows Cleanup - Saturday, June 1 - Volunteers needed
  • Bristol Ridge Building Organists Recital - Sunday, June 2 at 5:00 PM
May 19, 2024 · Ben Anderson